Saint Joseph Chamber of Commerce
3003 Frederick Ave
Saint Joseph, MO 64506-2909

Are you an LLC? S-Corp? Partnership? C-Corp? Have less than 20 full-time employees and earned less than $5,000,000? Then you need to know about the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).

During this workshop you will learn:

  • What the CTA is and why it was enacted
  • Who FinCEN is
  • What’s required from you to register with the Dept. of Treasury
  • Whom within your organization must register
  • Exemptions from filing
  • Timelines and frequency of filings
  • Where and how to file
  • Penalties
  • Q&A time

This is an in-person work shop. BRING your laptop or smart phone so you can file your BOI report while attending the workshop!


Cost: No fee

Register at:


  • The SBDC at Northwest Missouri State University
  • Saint Joseph Chamber of Commerce

Registration deadline: 7/12/2024 at 8:00 a.m.

U.S. Small Business Administration

The Missouri SBDC is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Programs are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.  Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance to the SBDC hosting the event.  The Missouri SBDC is a University of Missouri Extension partner.