With a 360° perspective, businesses can avoid blind spots and make smarter decisions. This workshop introduces the GrowthWheel® Framework with participants taking home tools, Decision Sheets and 30-60-90 Day Plans.  

How can GROWTH 360 help your business?  

  • Supports the decision making we do every day. 
  • Supplies a visual toolkit for dialogue, focus, agenda setting, decision-making and action- taking. 
  • Provides a simple action oriented process to help you grow. 
  • Stays true to the way most entrepreneurs think and work. 
  • Helps companies determine which areas to focus on to strengthen and grow their business. 
  • Gives an alternative to the conventional business plan. 

Please note the qualifications and email us if you have any questions:  

  • At least 2 years in business $50,000 or more in revenue prior year 
  • Owner working full time in business  

Dates: beginning on May 30  Time: 9:00am – Noon on Fridays 

Cost: $899. scholarships may be available

U.S. Small Business Administration

The Missouri SBDC is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Programs are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.  Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance to the SBDC hosting the event.  The Missouri SBDC is a University of Missouri Extension partner.